sirens mermaids giclees available for purchase below

about sirens mermaids whales dolphins ocean art

inspiration for ocean art . . . sirens mermaids whales dolphins seahorses jellyfish sharks and more


DianeWallDesigns is about ocean art of marine life researched painted and shared by ocean artist Diane Wall.  

While this ocean art is also of legendary aquatic sea creatures sirens mermaids it is also of real marine life known to exist and admired by those who are fascinated with our vast oceans and the marine life in its undersea world.  

DianeWallDesigns is here not only to make available for purchase ocean art of legendary sirens mermaids with real marine wildlife but to share facts from research as well as legends and folklore tales of sailors passed on for thousands of years that might be fascinating to others interested.  


Should sirens meramids be real it is likely they appear quite different than depicted in DianeWallDesigns ocean art. Unltil we find otherwise its fascinating to believe sirens mermaids are the oceans aquatic beauties that live in undiscovered depths of our oceans perhaps along with many other legendary sea creatures of enormous size yet to be discovered.

Legends of the Mediterranean city of Atlantis say it was made up of lush circular islands containing gold and other precious metals but separated by deep moats. 

Once a highly advanced civilization of moral spiritual humans they angered the gods when they became greedy and morally corrupt. 

As punishment the gods expelled horrific fires of massive volcanic eruptions with earthquakes causing Atlantis to sink into the depths of the ocean . . .  now a home shared by mermaids dolphins and multiple sea creatures 

Sandstone cave drawings depict mermaids migrating with whales for protection from sea predators. 

Whales migrate huge distances each year from their summer feeding grounds in Arctic seas or east coast of Russia to warmer waters of Mexico and surrounding seas. 

Despite the size of these large ocean creatures and stories of Moby Dick whales are not dangerous only curious friendly and sometimes shy making gentle companions for migrating mermaids.

These aquatic creature sirens mermaids live mostly in the sea although they are known to sometimes come out of the sea and sit on rocks bordering the ocean. Not having yet been close enough or sure enough of their existence for now they remain as only legends or folklore.    

Mermaids sometimes sing to people and gods to enchant them distracting them and causing them to walk off decks or run their ships aground. 

Other stories depict them as squeezing the life out of drowning men attempting to save them or some say they drown them out of spite. They were also said to carry humans down to their underwater kingdoms. 

It is the mission of DianeWallDesigns to not only entertain my website readers with shared information of these amazing marine creatures and continue developing more ocean art but also to enhance our awareness of the need to protect our oceans and halt the effects of global warming that can destroy our oceans with all the marine creatures that inhabit it. 

While for now ocean artist Diane Wall has only online art galleries followers can meet the artist while she paints on site at various locations which will be continuously updated with event locations dates and times.   

Thank you for your interest in following

DianeWallDesigns . . . 


your sirens mermaids girl,


dolphins highly intelligent marine mammals found  in shallow seas playing with sirens mermaids

dolphins highly intelligent marine mammals found  in shallow seas playing with sirens mermaids